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[team4xt] [Fwd: ANN: TRaX & XML Serializer APIs Posted]

Subject: [team4xt] [Fwd: ANN: TRaX & XML Serializer APIs Posted]

User: Website

From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 26/04/2000 - 03:47


Looks like something to follow !


Could you share with us your plans regarding future XT releases (such as
support for TRax, XML Serializer APIs, SAX2 , ...) ?



Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://dyomedea.com
creator                  http://xmlfr.org            http://ducotede.com
editor                   http://xmlhack.com              http://dmoz.org

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A number of producers of XSLT processors have been working on an vendor neutral API called TRaX (TRansformations for Xml), and an API for serializing DOM trees and SAX events to a stream (defined by Assaf Arkin from ExOffice). TRaX defines an interface for processing transformation instructions, performing tree transformations via a transformer, and sending the result to SAX handlers, and interfacing to a Serializer if needed. While this interface is modeled on the XSLT process, it should be generic enough to use with many types of transformations besides XSLT. TRaX uses and is dependent on SAX2. TRaX is a Java API right now, but it would be great to get a C++, COM, and Perl version as well.

The mission here is to make it much easier for people to write applications that are portable between XML transformation implementations, and to create a common model for XML transformations that will lower the cost of entry for basic services.

Right now the package names are trax.* and serialize.*. I have no good idea where the eventual home might be, though there has been much discussion about this. What's mainly important right now is to get the definition, consensus, and experimental implementation going.

By no means are these interfaces or the model cast in stone. We think they are a good start on a vender neutral API that all implementers can eventually agree upon. We are hoping to unify with the good work that Kyle Downey and Amber Archer Consulting has done with SAX/T, and hope we can use the best ideas of each proposed API.

I sincerely hope that the XML community will join in on this work, so that we can create the best possible API. You don't have to be an implementer, but you probably want to have good familiarity with XML, and have used some of the XSLT processor APIs out there.

Many many thanks to Mike Kay, Oracle, Sun, Assaf Arkin & Keith Visco (ExOffice), and many others who have been working on this. And many thanks to Exolab (ExOffice) for kindly donating the bandwidth and machinery for this site (please note that TRaX has no affiliation with Exolab).

Scott Boag Lotus Development

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