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[team4xt] (no subject)

Subject: [team4xt] (no subject)

User: Website

From: Paul Tchistopolskii (pault12@pacbell.net)
Date: 28/04/2000 - 00:53

The letter I have send to address displayed:

"Please contact the server administrator, sysadmin@dyomedea.com "

has bounced.


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<sysadmin@dyomedea.com>: unknown user: "sysadmin"

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 Thu, 27 Apr 2000 21:27:40 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000 21:28:51 -0700
From: Paul Tchistopolskii <pault12@pacbell.net>
Subject: Re: [team4xt] list4xt is going live.
To: team4xt@4xt.org
Cc: sysadmin@dyomedea.com
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... Well ... sorry for bothering you, but the web server www.4xt.org is down ...


----- Original Message -----
From: Eric van der Vlist <vdv@dyomedea.com>
To: <team4xt@4xt.org>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 1:57 PM
Subject: [team4xt] list4xt is going live.

> Hi,
> Just a kind reminder that I have not wanted to automatically subscribe
> you to team4xt which is getting its first posts.
> If you want to subscribe, you can either use the subscribe form online
> () or send an email to team4xt-request@4xt.org with
> subscribe in the subject or body :
> mailto:list4xt-request@4xt.org?Subject=subscribe
> Eric
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric van der Vlist Dyomedea http://dyomedea.com
> creator http://xmlfr.org http://ducotede.com
> editor http://xmlhack.com http://dmoz.org
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Private list of the "Team 4 XT" team4xt@4xt.org ()
> (mailto:team4xt-request@4xt.org?Subject=unsubscribe to unsubscribe)


Private list of the "Team 4 XT" team4xt@4xt.org ()
(mailto:team4xt-request@4xt.org?Subject=unsubscribe to unsubscribe)

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