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[team4xt] What would you like to do 4xt ?

Subject: [team4xt] What would you like to do 4xt ?

User: Website

From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 18/05/2000 - 15:47

What would you like to do 4xt ?

I would like to get your thoughts and also to invite James who is on
this list to participate to our discussion.

There are many things coming around which will or have already impacted
XSLT processors (SAX2, TRaX, new XML specifications such as XInclude and
possible updates of existing ones such as namespaces, ...) and we
shouldn't forget either that XT is not fully compliant to the

I don't think I'll betray any secret by saying that James isn't planning
any major release of XT in a near future.

For myself, I tend to think that XT is part of the XML patrimony and
that it should be maintained... and also that the community could help
James who feels probably more like an inventor than like a maintainer.

Thanks for your feedback.


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://dyomedea.com
http://xmlfr.org                       http://ducotede.com

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