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[team4xt] Re: What would you like to do 4xt ?

Subject: [team4xt] Re: What would you like to do 4xt ?

User: Website

From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 22/05/2000 - 09:02

If nobody is interested by XT any longer, I can continue doing private
hacks or switch to Saxon or Xalan :(

I prefer to think that last week everyone was asleep or too busy to
answer ;=)


Eric van der Vlist wrote:
> What would you like to do 4xt ?
> I would like to get your thoughts and also to invite James who is on
> this list to participate to our discussion.
> There are many things coming around which will or have already impacted
> XSLT processors (SAX2, TRaX, new XML specifications such as XInclude and
> possible updates of existing ones such as namespaces, ...) and we
> shouldn't forget either that XT is not fully compliant to the
> recommendation.
> I don't think I'll betray any secret by saying that James isn't planning
> any major release of XT in a near future.
> For myself, I tend to think that XT is part of the XML patrimony and
> that it should be maintained... and also that the community could help
> James who feels probably more like an inventor than like a maintainer.
> Thanks for your feedback.
> Eric

Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://dyomedea.com
http://xmlfr.org                       http://ducotede.com

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