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[team4xt] Re: FAQ 4xt

Subject: [team4xt] Re: FAQ 4xt

User: Website

From: Eric van der Vlist (vdv@dyomedea.com)
Date: 28/05/2000 - 17:26

Paul Tchistopolskii wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> If you'l add
> <xsl:template match="faq:p[@class='pre']">
> <PRE>
> <xsl:apply-templates/>
> </PRE>
> </xsl:template>
> to the bottom of your faq.xsl - the view of FAQ would be not too messy.


It's a MSIE bug which doesn't take into account the style :

        .pre {
                white-space: pre;

I had defined :(

I hadn't realized how messy the display was with IE...

I have fixed a similar problem in the SAX documentation.

> However, I still don't feel comfortable with the shape of FAQ, because I don't
> understand some things actualy. I thought that there should be some
> separation between question and answer ( for example, to render them
> in different font ) , but it seems that there is no such. I mean that :

Yes, there is a difference : the question is displayed within a
<strong/> element.
> "I tried to run..." is in the same chunk as "Try &lt;xsl:apply-templates"
> Ah, nevermind.
> Rgds.Paul.

Many thanks.


Eric van der Vlist       Dyomedea                    http://dyomedea.com
http://xmlfr.org                       http://ducotede.com

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